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  • About the Experience

    How was your
    overall experience?:

    Very Good


    Short answer - Use this man and his team.

    Long answer -

    My wife almost died on a Wednesday night. Friday morning, she was intubated, multi systems shut down, she was critical.

    Someone had already called in Dr. Tamim.

    Wednesday afternoon the hopsital had finally found her issue was an infected and deteriorated aortic valve.

    Friday morning, after finding out just how criticial she was, the family and I were a bit dishoveled

    Dr Tamim happened to be close by and overheard our stress in the CV ICU at Broward General (as we had not met him yet).

    He calmly explained her condition, the gameplan, milestones we would be looking for, and options.

    He was so perfectly articulate, spoke in laymans terms while describing the medical terms.

    If it wasn't for him our family, our team, would have been fighting, scared and unsure.

    Tamim has been the shining light in a 3 month ordeal that could have ended in a death, and has brought us life.

    After my wife left the hopsital, we were not happy with the team we had.... so we asked Dr Tamim his team was for certain specialties - a nephrologist, and others.... and in hours/days vs weeks/months (which was how things were going) appointments were had and adjustments made.

    This man is amazing.

    Beautiful bedside manor

    A sense of urgency without frantic.

    He was the ballast in a 3 month life or death journey.

    I am forever in his debt for who he was for me and our family

    Not just as a surgeon.

    As a man.

    As a guardian of sanity.

    I have no idea how he got on our case as he is a specialist and not a member of the hospital

    Some higher power knew he was the answer.

    And he is and will be for you